27 September 2008

The Bed Curtains

My completed project for 2008!

I decided to redecorate the girls room. I made them each these really nice quilt as a baby for their beds and neither one of them like them. The quilts that they like are these little flannel ones that my mom tied, and they pretty much refuse to use anything other than that. Both of my girls like the ties on the blanket and they use them to help them go to sleep. Anyway I really want to work on getting Autumn to make her bed in the morning, but it is ridiculous to have her making her bed with a quilt that doesn’t even fit the length of the bed or that she doesn’t use at night. So I decided to redecorate and just make them bedspreads that are tied blankets so they will actually used them. Plus these blankets my mom made, she made them for when they were babies, they are getting small, and we keep our house cold during the winter, so the new bedspreads are going to be large enough to cover their body for a long time.

Anyway I went and bough the fabric, but haven’t finished the blankets yet, but Prairie really likes having a curtain over the bottom bunk. In fact when we moved to the new place we hadn’t hung the blanket over the side yet, and one night she was yelling very politely “excuse me, I want a curtain” over and over and until Ben obliged. So I decided to actually hang a curtain rod and make curtains for the bed that would work better and look a lot nicer.

These curtains were actually from Autumn’s first bedroom and were hung on the window, but I ripped out all the seams I had done and hemming, so I pretty much started from scratch, I just didn’t have to buy any fabric. I did buy the ribbon to string through it though. That is the new colors for their bedroom, the blue and aqua. It is based off a poster that Autumn wanted to get to hang in her bedroom, and it is an undersea print.

Anyway I found some curtain rods that had been hanging around, so the only thing I spent money on was the ribbon, so that is a nice project. It looks really cute on the bed, and it cost very little.This is the before picture

1 comment:

  1. This looks so cute. I think this project was harder than starting from scratch - you had to unpick all the old stitches before you began.
