Please ignore my bad photoshop skills, this is the same mattress just with different sheets on in each picture
I bought our bassinet at a garage sale when Prairie was a few months old. At that point she was sleeping through the night, so she was sleeping in her crib in a shared bedroom with Autumn, so we really didn't use the bassinet that much, except for naps sometimes. Well it came with a sheet, but it has some stains, and I thought since we would be using it a lot, it would be nice to have some sheets that were new, or atleast that didn't have someone else's stains.
I was originally going to do a looney tunes applique quilt as the baby quilt for this baby, but then decided not to. But when I thought I was going to do that, my mom had found a leftover panel of looney tunes characters at one of her quilt group things. Anyway I thought some of the pieces pieced together would make nice sheets for the bassinet, so I pieced them together, and violia! I have bassinet sheets. I think Ben will be happy because he has been wanting me to do something with Looney tunes for all of our kids, so I have new sheets, Ben has looney tunes, and I used supplies from my house, a great project.
There is our bassinet all ready for out little boy. As of Wednesday February 25th I am 37 weeks and our baby is considered full term now, so I am really feeling the rush to be ready. (as a side note both of my girls were late, Autumn 10 days and Prairie 7, so I don't realistically think our little boy is coming anytime soon, but I want to feel ready)
Those are great sheets. Great use of the fabric!!!!!