26 August 2008

Princess Bag

My 51st completed sewing project for 2008!

Autumn had another birthday party to go to. Honestly I really don't like having to get birthday presents for parties, so I like it if I can sew something relatively quick and feel like I spent hardly any money on it. Autumn was concerned when I started working on this (about an hour before the party) that I would need help because when I made this one my mom ended up finishing it for me. We also made m&m chewies and filled the bag with that. I thought it turned out to be a nice present for a 4 year old girl.

1 comment:

mandy said...

So cute! I would much rather have one of my girls receive a present like that vs. another toy. What are M&M chewies?

I am super impressed with your quilts. So beautiful!