16 October 2008

The Ribbit outfit for a doll

My 63rd and 64th completed projects for 2008! (and my first completely finished Christmas sewing project!)

Prairie really likes changing on her baby but it doesn’t have very many outfits. So I am trying to replicate as many of her outfits that she has right now as possible. I am having sooooo much fun sewing doll clothes. I really love being creative with patterns with a doll, because it is so small.

She has this outfit that is a green shirt and matching green pants, and she LOVES it and calls it her ribbit outfit (like after a frog). Well when my mom made the outfit for Autumn two years ago, she pretty much used every piece of fabric to finish it so I knew she didn’t have any scraps leftover, but I realized that I had made a t-shirt a while ago for myself that was about the same color. When I checked the scraps I had it matched close enough, and the pieces that I had left were about the perfect size to make the t-shirt and a pair of pants. I was amazed. I didn’t have to piece anything, and after I was done the scraps were even worth saving to put into a patchwork quilt, so I love when I use stuff up, plus I don’t need to buy anything, I love that.

Anyway I am very excited about this project, and can’t wait to get some more doll clothes done.

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