01 June 2008

White t-shirt

My 39th completed sewing project for 2008!

When it became obvious that I wasn't going to finish either dress for the wedding that I had last weekend, I decided that I would make a new t-shirt to go with one of my skirts, because I really wanted to feel like I had something cute to wear. Well I still didn't finish it in time for the wedding, because I decided to get my house really clean because we had guests, but I did finish it to wear to church.

My mom made a shirt just like this for me last summer, but I decided that it didn't fit me quite right and it fit my sister better. My mom had bought a lot of fabric though, so there was enough to make a few t-shirts, so I am finally using some of the fabric that she bought last June for t-shirts. I made some adjustments to the sizing and I was really happy with how this one fit.