25 September 2008

Apron for Auction

My 60th completed sewing project for 2008!

My relief society (my church's women's organization) was having a service auction tonight, so I decided to make an apron. I didn't have a pattern so I looked around online until I found an apron that I liked and then made a pattern based off how it looked. My mom was nice enough to let me steal fabric from her stash. I was really pleased with out it turned out. The funny thing is my upstairs neighbor saved up all of her "money" and bought it, and I bought her item of hair bows without know that she had made them.


Jennie said...

Oh!! Your apron turned out looking so nice!

Mary Anne said...

I love the apron. If I cooked I would like one just like it -- but it wouldn't get much use in my house!