19 September 2008

Queen Sized feedsack quilt

My 58th completed sewing project for 2008!

I finished the queen size feed sack quilt, yay, yay and yay! I started these feedsack quilts in October 2005 so I am sooooo glad to have them done and off of my list of things to do. I am trying really hard to finish stuff on my to do list before buying more fabric. So I am excited to have these off. This means I don't need the picture of the book on my sidebar anymore.

Also I have to thank my mom for all the help she gave, she cut out tons of blocks for me and quilted the entire queen size quilt. When I got to NY I just didn't feel like quilting, but was bummed about not finishing this project, so my mom was gracious enouh to take over the quilting, and then I complteted the binding. Yay for mom and daughter teams! Now she needs to get me setup with some easy pieces for her generations unite quilt and I will piece those for her.

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