16 May 2008

Play Dress

My 34th complete sewing project for 2008!

My very girly 4 year old daugher loves dresses. So I decided she needs a couple of play dresses, that are fine to get mud on and everything. This fabric is some more from my Grandma's basement that I have been holding on to for a couple of years. Autumn LOVES the dress, and really wanted me to finish it before she had to go to preschool today, so we finished it up and were only a few minutes late. I have one more play dress that I am still making for her. I am really excited about it, it is fabic that I bought 4 years ago to make her a summer outfit for the following summer.

Here is Autumn before preschool. She was really proud of her outfit, and that she then picked out the flip flops that matched, and she wore two headbands, a white one and a turquoise one, so everything matched.


mandy said...

I love this dress!!

Mary Anne said...

The dress is darling, but the model is the cutest!