20 January 2009

Spiderman PJ's take 3

My 10th complete project for 2009!

So this is the last project that I am doing out of the spiderman fleece that my mom bought me.  I threw away the rest of the scraps, and it really was scraps.  Actually now that I typed that I realized that after everything I cut out, there was one complete spiderman that had no cut in it, so I carefully cut it out to applique onto a shirt or some outfit for our little boy in the future, so I guess I will maybe have one more project out of that fleece.

I am pretty excited to be sewing some clothes for my little boy.  I went through our baby clothes the last two days and was dumbfounded to find plenty of boy and gender neutral clothes for our little boy for the first 6 months.  I thought I was going to have to go crazy sewing.  I don't have any dress clothes for him, or swimwear, but that is a small list compared to what I thought I was going to have to make.  Don't get me wrong, I am still going to sew a few outfits for this sping and then for this summer, but they aren't as necessary as I originally thought.

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