30 March 2009

Baby Doll Carseat

My 49th completed sewing project for 2009!

When Prairie was born, I made a little carseat type of thing for Autumn's doll, and its carseat was out of the same fabric as Prairie's carseat cover. I thought it would be nice if Prairie had a little carseat for her baby now that she is going to be a big sister.

This is the day we brought Prairie home from the hospital. This isn't the best picture of the carseat thing I made for Autumn's doll, but it has buckles, and it can hang from the seat in front of Autumn.

Ben found this at a thrift store or some garage sale, I can't remember. I didn't really like the colors, and I thought it would be more fun to have coordinating with our baby boy's carseat, especially since I made the cover and I had leftover fabric.

This is a picture of the work in progress, you can see the front side that doesn't have the backpack straps. At this point I had unpicked everything and taken it apart.

This is the finished product. I don't particularly love the pink with it, but oh well. I am excited that Prairie will have a carseat for her baby that will match her baby brother's carseat.

This is the back view of the carseat with the backpack straps.

I was worried that Autumn might be a little jealous that Prairie was getting a doll carseat, but that she wasn't (since she already has one) so I decided to let her in on the surprise, and she has gotten to see it while I was working on it. I think it was a really good idea, because she is excited about Prairie getting it. One day she did say sadly that her carseat didn't match her baby brother's, but we talked about it and she seemed okay with it.

Autumn looking super cute modeling the carseat using the backpack straps with Prairie's baby doll in it.

1 comment:

Mary Anne said...

That is so cute! I bet Prairie loves it!