23 March 2009

No sew tutu project

This isn't really a sewing project but I wanted to post a picture of it.  This is a birthday present for Prairie in May.  I thought since this baby is going late I might as well get some of her birthday presents done.

I bought 1.5 yards of each color, so for a total of 3 yards of tulle.  Prairie's favorite color is green, and I asked her what other color she likes and she said blue, so that is why it is blue and green.  I used my rotary cutter, and just cut the entire 3 yards of tulle into 6 in strips.  Then each strip I cut in half because the fabric was wide enough.  

The only sewing I did was sewing the elastic into a loop.  I did 18" of 3/4 inch non-roll elastic.  Then I just folded each piece of tulle in half and then looped/tied it on the elastic.

Anyway I was really happy with out it turned out, and I think Prairie will really like it, and it is a perfect present for a 3 year old, that pretends to be a ballerina.

1 comment:

Mary Anne said...

That is really cute!!!! Prairie is going to LOVE it!!!!!